Like being #LikeAGirl

Why is being like a girl always taken in the bad sense? Why is its connotation always negative? I’m a girl, a woman, and I don’t think there’s anything bad in that. Why then this sense of humiliation to say that you and I do something #LikeAGirl?

The ‘Like a girl’ campaign. Have you heard about it? Or, have you seen the video (below)? I think it would be good if you do. Perhaps that would help you see this post in the right perspective.

It was on Sanch’s blog that I first actually clicked play on this video. Though I had seen it shared across timelines I never really got to actually viewing the video. Until today of course. And if you have seen it now then you must also think, just like me, that this is a wonderful positive campaign?

I don’t know when #LikeAGirl became an insult. I really don’t. I don’t know why it became a phrase of ridicule. Do you?

Why should running like a girl be a bad thing? Or, why should driving like a girl be a bad thing? Or, why should crying like a girl be a bad thing? It takes a lot of guts to cry and show ones emotions you know. So why so many things associated with girls looked down upon?

I’m proud that I’m a girl, a woman. And I’m proud of everything I do as one.

Procter & Gamble’s Always Like a girl campaign is asking girls to list down the things they do #LikeAGirl. And all that with a sense of pride not shame. So just like Sanch to lend my voice to this awesome campaign - Like a girl, I’m going to list down the things I do like a girl. I’m going to list down things I’m proud of doing my way, a girl’s way!

"Like being #LikeAGirl I say!"

So now you tell me the things that you do #LikeAGirl and remember there’s nothing in it to be ashamed about. Go on tell me.
