A Conundrum Called Life

There is a time in life when complexities are synonymous with a math problem or building a bird’s nest for a school project. Reading Nancy Drew books, hidden under the desk, in class or cracking the graphs for the first time in a physics exam; these make for adventures in the spring of life, arguably the best part of it. These heart-beat increasing and sweat inducing moments are precious and make childhood a happy escape. But then you grow up. And before you even know it, life is this riddle with its millions of pieces strewn in front.

But it’s not easy for the final image is only a shifting reflection in your mind’s eye; transforming with every passing year. You are told that from there on up until the finish line you have to place the pieces together, one by one, and maybe one day if you’re lucky enough the final rendition will be as beautiful as Van Gogh’s Starry Night.

Like it or not Life’s a jigsaw puzzle and the kind of life you end up leading depends on how good you are at putting all the bits back together.

Pieces, here and there
Some hazed out,
Some crystal clear.
Whether inclement
Or shining,
The weather,
Picking each fragment,
Setting together
Life’s puzzle,
Onus on life’s trouper.

Linking this post to NaBloPoMo and Writetribe's Wednesday Prompt-6
